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Westview School Corporation announces the vacancy on its school board created by the resignation of Dave Mehas.  His resignation is effective June 9th, 2023.  Mr. Mehas served as a school board member since 2001, and his commitment to and diligent work on behalf of our students, staff, and community is greatly appreciated.  Indiana law requires Westview School Corporation to promptly fill Mr. Mehas’s remaining term on the school board, which runs through December 31, 2024.  

Superintendent Randy Miller explained that state law requires the remaining school board members, by a majority vote, to fill the vacancy by appointing a person who resides in Clearspring Township and meets all residence and other qualifications required of a regularly elected board member.  

State law and Westview School Corporation’s election plan require that candidates for this seat on the Board of School Trustees be:

  • A registered voter;

  • Twenty-one years of age or older;

  • An Indiana resident for (2) years and a resident of Clearspring Township continuously for at least two (2) years; and

  • Must not be employed by Westview School Corporation.

The application deadline for prospective board candidates will be May 26th. Those interested in being considered for this vacancy should email Randy Miller at millerra@westview.k12.in.us to receive the application information which will include the submission of (1) a letter of interest, and (2) a completed candidate questionnaire in care of:

Randy Miller, Superintendent

Westview School Corporation

1545 S 600 W

Topeka, IN 46571
