Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, Monday, January 20, 2025. We want to ensure all buses start and are warm.
23 days ago, Westview School Corporation
Students working on their experiment for the 6th grade Science fair projects.
26 days ago, Admin
Science Fair Project
Every semester, students from each classroom are eligible to receive the Art, Music, and Physical Education awards. Pictured are students from all 16 classrooms at Westview Elementary who received these awards. These students not only try their best in the classroom, but they also try their best in the enhancement subjects as well!
27 days ago, Admin
Awards for Art, Music, PE
Students working hard in the Hallway
27 days ago, Admin
Students in the hallway
Studcents in the hallway
Fitness Smoothie
30 days ago, Admin
Fitness Smoothie
Westview Elementary Snowman
30 days ago, Admin
6c students hitting piñatas, having fun, on the last day before Christmas break!
about 1 month ago, Admin
6th Grade Pinata Party
6th Grade Pianta Party
about 1 month ago, Admin
6th Grade Pianta Party
Santa Visits Westview Elementary
about 1 month ago, Admin
Santa Visits Westview Elementary
Snowball with a Smile
about 1 month ago, Admin
Snowball and  with a Smile
Have a wonderful break Westview!
about 2 months ago, Westview Admin
Have a Wonderful Break
Winter Break
2 months ago, Westview Elementary
Winter Break
Reminder to families: Ronald McDonald Care Mobile will be at Westview, Wednesday, December 11th from 9:00 am-3:00 pm
2 months ago, Westview Admin
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Event
December newsletter
2 months ago, Westview Elementary
December Newsletter
Friendly reminder that there is no school Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday and we will see everyone on Monday.
3 months ago, Westview Elementary
thanksgiving break
Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, Monday, November 18, 2024.
3 months ago, Westview School Corporation
Westview would like to send a huge thank you to all U.S. Veterans and highlight those Veterans who work at Westview schools. We are thankful for your service to our country! Senior Master Sergeant Darryl Swartz served from 1986-2008 and retired from the U.S. Air Force. He now teaches 5th grade at Westview Elementary.
3 months ago, Westview Admin
Monthly Newsletter for November
3 months ago, Westview Elementary
November Newsletter
Westview will host a Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Wellness Event on Wednesday, December 11th, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Appointments are required.
4 months ago, Westview Admin
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Wellness Event Flyer
Reminder that Fall Break is this week and there is no school Thursday or Friday. Have a great Break!!!
4 months ago, Westview Elementary
Fall break no school Thursday and Friday